Apple Crumble

16 Dec

Hi, everyone!Apple Crumble 2

Today recipe is more me taking on someone else’s recipe than one of my own. Let me explain…

Probably like most of you (of course, you are reading this…) I search and look for new recipes on the Internet. So it happened that I was watching some YouTube when I came across a channel from someone who defends anti-bullying and is also apparently an amazing cook. Her name is Lindsay Atkin ( and you may know her as being the mother of YouTube sensation Charlie McDonnell, but today it’s all about her.

With a warm and nice personality that makes you feel invited to her home, she shows us how to make her own recipes trough videos made in her own kitchen. Now you might think that these are your typical low quality videos, but not at all. Whether is her son’s influence or her own pride on doing things right the videos are HD. Of course they have a bit of shaking, but nothing that affects the viewer immensely.

From those that she has, I choose one. The Apple Crumble.

Apple Crumble 3I had never made ​​a crumble before, except a strawberry one. So it was a new experience in the kitchen.

From the original recipe I just change one thing: instead of using the lemon zest I used and orange one and it was also very good. It’s also tradition to use custard as a “garnish” but I didn’t and went the simple way as you can see on the photos. Of course this is your choice and you can add it after.

This dessert is amazing! It has de same crunchy topping and soft filling as an apple pie, but adds the flavour of spring and summer to it with the orange.

So here you have the recipe and I’ll link the video at the end.


125 gr flour

100 gr sugar

100 gr butter

1 orange

5 apples


1. Pre-heat the oven to 180º C

2. Peel and cut the apples and then place them into a pan with little water until they are cooked.

3. In a large bowl place the flour and the butter (preferably cold) and rub it with your fingers till it looks like bread crumbs.

4. Add the sugar and then orange zest and mix all together.

5. Place the fruit into a cake pan in order to cover the whole bottom and then sprinkle with a bit of sugar.

6. Pour the crumble mixture on top and bake it at 180º C for 25 min.


Link for the video recipe:


Hope you enjoy and tell me how it went or any questions you might have in the comment box below. :)

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words

2 Responses to “Apple Crumble”

  1. Lindsay December 17, 2012 at 9:58 pm #

    Love it ❤

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