Archive | January, 2013

Murder in Mesopotamia – Agatha Christie

25 Jan

Murder in Mesopotamia - Agatha ChristieHi, everyone!

This week I bring you a new old book, by none other that the amazing Queen of Crime, Dame Agatha Christie and it is Murder in Mesopotamia!

There is no specific reason for picking up this book, besides the fact that is a good detective fiction book and was waiting for a long time in my pile of books.

“An archaeologist’s wife is murdered on the shores of the River Tigris in Iraq…

It was clear to Amy Leatheran that something sinister was going on at the Hassanieh dig in Iraq; something associated with the presence of ‘Lovely Louise’, wife of celebrated archaeologist Dr Leidner.

In a few days’ time Hercule Poirot was due to drop in at the excavation site. But with Louise suffering from terrifying hallucinations, and tension within the group becoming almost unbearable, Poirot might just be too late…” description of Murder in Mesopotamia in

Like it has been said in the description this book is with the Belgian, a little odd Mr. Hercule Poirot and his little grey cells. It’s amazing and like always I didn’t know the killer till the end. I’ll say that after the middle of the book, it had passed my mind that it could be him/she (just so we won’t have spoilers), but I was fooled and fell in the tricks of Dame Agatha. But that is what makes them so fun to read, because only if you have a truly genius and creative mind, you won’t find out.

I advise you, if you are actually challenging yourself to find out who is the murderer, which is no easy task, to write down on a piece of paper the persons that you think that may be, the little clues, etc…

It’s a good book to keep your mind busy, and since it’s not very long you will finish it very quick and wish for more. Never the less I have to say it’s not her best story and plot, if you really want a violent and quite mind-blowing book from her I will advise you “And Then There Were None” or a more soft one, but still with an excellent plot “Murder on the Orient Express”.

Going back to the book of this post, you can really see that Agatha transfers her own experience in living in an excavation site and knowing personally people who lived that life, like one of her husbands, the archaeologist Max Mallowan.

In a place of dirt and old findings, remote and with few people, you still find the black side of humanity and complex minds that will keep you from putting the book down.

If you’re already a fan or just want to try for the first time the roads of the world of crime, I advice you to pick up this book… It’s a good way to continue or start your addiction on Agatha Christie.

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words

Christmas Sweet Presents Review

23 Jan


Hi, everyone!

It’s a bit overdue and we’re already on January but here are some photos of two presents that I received this Christmas. One is a basket, with some butter cookies designed for the holidays (you can find a similar recipe here, you just have to add more butter), 2 jars of chutney, one of pumpkin another of pear; and the other was inside a shiny pink rapping and it was a portuguese traditional cake, called Bolo Rainha (the translation by word is Queen Cake). They were all very delicious and the cookies were to quick to “disappear”… *Where are you? I need you!!*

Believe me you would feel exactly the same…

But good news everybody my cousin, the person who wonderfully made all of this, has just opened her business. It’s called Sweet Bomboca and you can order from designed cakes to homemade jams. You can find all of the information here:

So let’s start the display of images, that will make me feel hungry even when I’m not…


Hope you enjoyed and also had amazing presents!

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words

Chocolate Mousse

6 Jan

SONY DSCHello, everyone  and welcome to 2013!

For the first post of the year the mood should be the same that I had for the first day of the year. Easy, lazy things to do, but that will still count as amazing. People say that how you start it’s how it’s going to be. Well, I started with chocolate mousse, which is the ultimate easy dessert to do.

And the way that I do it, I bet that it has fewer calories than most recipes. And you still have the same flavour, the same fluffy texture and everything else.

And how I do this? Well, no cream from the start and I use only dark chocolate (preferably one just for culinary purposes or over 70% cacao).

Also the topping shown on the photos is crumbs of amaretti cookies, just a little sparkle and texture.


250 gr of dark chocolate

8 eggs (egg whites and egg yolks separated)



  1. In a bain-marie heat the chocolate until it melts.
  2. Meanwhile beat the egg whites until they form soft picks and mix the egg yolks with a fork in a separate bowl.
  3. After taking the chocolate from the heat, let it cool a bit (so the eggs won’t cook when added)
  4. In the chocolate bowl add a small amount of  the egg whites and mix and then of the egg yolks. Repeat the process while looking to the bottom of the bowl, so you can see if everything is being well mixed.

Once that is done, you can start eating it right away (like I prefer) or place it in the fridge so it sets (about 2 hours). Serve!

Hope you enjoy and tell me how it went or any questions you might have in the comment box below. :)

Also have a good 2013!

“For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.”
― T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words