Sausage/Cheese and Ham Rolls Appetizers

10 Feb

Hi, everyone!

Sausage/Cheese and Ham Rolls Appetizers 1

Today is all about appetizers. Sometimes we just want to present something more simple while people wait for the first courses. Or sometimes we just want a snack for ourselves.

This ones are not very fancy, but they are quick and easy to do. And I bet you will find them delicious.

Eating them fresh from the oven is the best, trust me. It’s so easy that it feels weird to add the usual layout of ingredients and preparation, but I think that it’s best like this. So here it is!Sausage/Cheese and Ham Rolls Appetizers 2


1. Puff pastry (I buy the one already made on the supermarket. It’s easier!)

2. A can of sausages (you can use soy ones, if you’re vegetarian.)

3. Cheese and ham.


1. Lay the pastry in a clean surface and wrap each individual sausage with it. (like an envelope)

2. Do the same thing with a roll of cheese and ham.

3. Roll them over so the smooth side stays on top and bake it in the oven at 200ºC for 10-15 min.

You can decorate as you want on the top, with strips or little circles of pastry.


Sausage/Cheese and Ham Rolls Appetizers 3

Hope you enjoy and tell me how it went or any questions you might have in the comment box below. :)

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words

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