Archive | March, 2013

Barcelona Souvenirs

13 Mar

Hi, everyone!

Today I’m going to show you some souvenirs that my mom brought me from Barcelona, when she was there in November So let’s share!

Barcelona Souvenirs 1

There were tree souvenirs. All very good!

1) A bar of dark chocolate mixed with varied nuts (walnuts, almonds and pine nuts)

2) A sealed wooden box of turrón de alicante.

3) A metallic box with beautiful drawings filled with 4 different types of chocolate ( White, 32%, 50%, 70%)

Barcelona Souveniers 2

1) It was a simple craft chocolate with beautiful nuts. Amazing!

Barcelona Souveniers 32) This is a very traditional spanish candy. It’s very hard and sweet. It’s made mostly of toasted almonds mixed in egg whites and honey. You have to watch for your teeth, but you can’t just simply go to Spain and not try it. I didn’t get a shot before it was gone, so here is only the box. Use your imagination or Google to see it.

Barcelona Souveniers 4

Barcelona Souveniers 5Barcelona Souveniers 6

3) The last one is a box with different types of chocolate. This means how much cocoa there is. Of course the sweeter one is the white and the one with the stronger taste is the 70%. This is a good thing to have at home, when you want to do a chocolate taste with your friends. Besides you have all choices for every preferences. It’s a good product. But of course when it comes to chocolate I still have to pick Lindt, Guylian or Godiva. The best!

Hope you enjoyed. Have you ever bought traditional sweets from another country? Write your opinions or questions on the comment box below.  🙂

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words

Gnocchi with Cheese

6 Mar

Hi, everyone!

Gnocchi with Cheese 1

Here I am, once more to give you another recipe and today is one that comes from the depths of Italy. Gnocchi with cheese. Everything about it, remembers me of the sunny days and the beautiful villas. Good and simple food.

This recipe is originally from Jamie Oliver new YouTube channel, which you should totally check it out. I just added a new ingredient and changed two. Don’t worry, you’ll understand in moments.

I had bought gnocchi before, but I didn’t really know what to do with it, so I was very happy and excited when I found this. Besides it’s so easy to make, that you can just relax.

It’s soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside and then you have the melted cheese with the pinch of salt. It’s basically a fancy and much better version of mac and cheese.

My extra ingredient was prosciutto, which was an enriching add to this already amazing dish.



500 gr Gnocchi

2/3 bay leafs (it depends on you liking the flavour)

2 types of cheese (this is all up to you. I didn’t use the ones in the recipe and just went with mozzarella and a dutch cheese. Damn, can’t remember the name. But again it’s whatever you prefer)

a pinch of salt

25 gr butter


1. Cook the gnocchi in boiling water with a pinch of salt.

2. Melt the butter in a frying pan and then add the bay leafs

3. Add the drained gnocchi and mix, always in a medium/low heat.

4. Start adding the cheese and the put it in the oven at 200ºC for 10 min or until it’s golden on top.


Hope you enjoy and tell me how it went or any questions you might have in the comment box below. :)

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words