Archive | April, 2013

Cottage Pie

28 Apr

Cottage Pie

Hi, people of the Internet and my fellow foodies!

I know that I’ve been missing for some time now and I am sorry. But today I bring you one of my favorite recipes… Cottage Pie! It’s simply delicious.

It’s the perfect dish for you to make for dinner if you want to impress a big group of people and it has so many flavors that you’re going to be astonished.

So here it is my version of a British classic…


750 gr of minced beef (you can use any meat that you like)

1 onion

Cottage Pie

1 carrot

olive oil

salt & pepper

2 cloves of garlic

tomato puree

a few gulgs of red wine

1 cube of chicken stock (250 ml) |you can use a beef cube if you prefer|

some bay leafs

4/5 medium potatoes

Parmesan cheese

a few glugs of milk


  1. Pour olive oil in a large pan. Add the meat until it’s golden-brown and season it to your taste.
  2. Grate the onion and the carrot and add them to the pan.
  3. When the previous ingredients are soft add the tomato puree, some bay leafs and some gulgs of red wine.
  4. Add the chicken stock after the wine as evaporated, and cook it for about 10 min.
  5. Boil the potatoes without any skin and mash them adding Parmesan cheese. You can add milk if you think that it is too thick.
  6. Pour the meat into an over proof dish and then scoop the mashed potatoes on top (also you can add breadcrumbs for extra texture) . Bake it in the oven for 20 min or until it’s golden.


Hope you enjoy and tell me how it went or any questions you might have in the comment box below. :)

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words