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7 Oct

Hi, everyone!

Sorry for my short absence in the world of posting, but life kind of got in the way. But moving to other stuff…

So today, I’m going to be talking about something a little out of my “zone”. Lately I’ve been listening to a new metal band called Sinmattic, they really remember me of Evanescence and Within Temptation and they are pretty good.

They are a recent project and they just released their first EP this summer, that you can order trough their e-mail. So they need our help to get them noticed. Thereby do yourselves a favor and check them out, because they are going to become your new favourite band and they are really awesome! Seriously!

I know it’s a small post, compared to what I normally write, but I think that the songs will speak for themselves and any information that you want to know, you can find in the links at the end of the page. I’ll leave you here with two of my favorite songs.

P.S.: Don’t forget to leave comments on their videos and share them with your friends and family.

Links to their pages:

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words

Books, Tv Shows and Food!

3 Sep

Hi, everyone! 

Let me start to introduce myself in a very simple way. I’m what you may call a person that as always has a book in her nightstand, always zapping the remote control to find a new tv show that hasn’t seen yet and always trying to find a new recipe to work with.

So one day, I though to myself “Why don’t you write all about it and put it online?” And here we are! 

The blog will have 3 sections. One for books, other for tv shows (where I might ocasionally put a review of a movie) and another for recipes, which I try at home. 

I hope you will all enjoy and if you can let me know what you think about it, so I can improve with your feedback. 

Lots of love, 

Paradise of Words