Tag Archives: Almond Tart

The Most Amazing Almond Tart

15 Sep

The most amazing delicious almond tart that you ever taste, this is the recipe that I’m going to show you!

Picture in your mind, you and a plate of it. It’s just a dream, that came true on your computer screen and that will come true on your kitchen.

It as the soft texture in the “cake” part and the sweet and crunchy feeling in the topping. In my house let’s say 6 hours and it’s bye bye and run for the last piece. So if I do it in the afternoon, like most times, it’s very rare that there will be still anything left at lunch the next day.

I’m also someone who normally cuts on sugar and butter and I did the same in this recipe, but sometimes you just have to go along with it. If I start cutting too much, its just looses its essence. And believe me it’s not that sweet, unlike most desserts with a caramel topping.  I’ll advice you to try, it’s so worthy of one more hour in the gym! And read it first, maybe for you it’s just your normal recipe when you use topping. You see it’s the only recipe in wich I use it. 😉 Like I said I do care about my health, but I like sweets also, so I try to combine both.

So here it goes.


For the “cake” part:

150 gr sugar

140 gr sugar

150 gr butter

2 eggs

1 teaspoon of baking powder

For the almond topping:

100 gr sliced almond

90 gr sugar

90 gr butter

3 tablespoons of milk


1. Mix the eggs and the sugar.

2. Add the butter and proceed mixing.

3 Once it gets to a cream, add the flour and the baking powder and involve.

4. Bake it in the oven at 180º C for 30 min.

5. After taking the cake out of the oven, start getting your topping ready. Melt the sugar and the butter in a frying pan.

6. Add the almond and stir constantly . If it starts burning, reduce the heat to low.

7. When the almond starts getting gold-brown add the milk and keep stirring, till it gets to consistence of caramel.

8. Take it off the heat and pour it on the top of the “cake”. Put it again in the oven for 5-10 min or until it gets a golden colour.

9. Serve and enjoy! 🙂

I hope you enjoy and use the comment box below for any questions and to tell me how it went.

Good kitchen days!

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words