Tag Archives: apple pie

Apple Pie

12 Nov

Hi, everyone!

Didn’t you always want to do a rustic apple pie? One like those that appear on the movies, where the ladies put them in the windowsill and they mysteriously disappear. Well, today I’m going to show you a very similar one, but of course I’m carefull to where I put them and you should to 🙂

So, my mom recently had her birthday and since her favourite dessert  is apple pie, she asked me to do her favourite type. It’s an old recipe and I’m very excited to be showing it to you.

Do I really have to say how delicious it is? I don’t think so. 🙂 Yumm

The other best thing about it… is that it doesn’t have a lot of calories. I mean you don’t use sugar or butter (or something like that…) in the filling. It’s all the natural apple and the cinnamon, so you can’t really feel bad about eating it, can you?

And since the Winter is just around the corner this comes as a great idea to warm your heart and also your stomach.

You can make drawing on the top with the remaining pastry like I did or just make the traditional stripes.



  • Pie Crust:

200 gr flour

50 gr sugar

100 gr butter

1 egg

  • Apple Filling

500 gr apples



1. Heat a pan with very little water and place the peeled sliced apples inside and cover till they’re baked.

2. Beat the butter and the sugar first and then add the egg.

3. Finally mix the flour in and then put the dough on the fridge for about 10/15 minutes.

4. Roll the dough to about 1 cm and then cover a round pan with it.

5. Smash the apples and then mix them with the amount of cinnamon to your taste. (I put quite a lot and that’s why the colour of the filling is brown.)

6. Fill the crust and place it in the oven at 180 ÂșC for about 25/30 min.


Hope you enjoyed and feel free to leave your questions on the comment box below.

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words