Tag Archives: Gabrielle Lord

Conspiracy 365

14 Sep


Today the book that we are going to be talking about, or should I say books is Conspiracy 365, by Gabrielle Lord!

I absolutely loved this collection. We have a different concept on the graphic image than what we are used to. The number of the pages start in reverse, each chapter is a day of the month, and each book is a month. So for example the first book is called Conspiracy 365 January, the first page is number 181 and the first chapter is January 1.

It’s an action/adventure series, that combine mystery and teen spirit and friendships.

“On New Year’s Eve, Cal is chased down the street by a crazed man with a deadly warning:

They killed your father.
They’ll kill you.
You must survive the next 365 days!

Forced into a life on the run, Cal finds himself hunted by ruthless criminals and the police. Somehow he must uncover the truth about his father’s mysterious death and solve the Ormond Singularity, a secret from the past, before the year is up. But who can he turn to when the whole world seems to want him dead?

The clock is ticking. Any second could be his last.

Callum Ormond has been warned.

He has 365 days. The countdown has begun … ” amazon.co.uk description of Conspiracy 365 January

Is so easy and quick to read, that you won’t even notice. The plot is interesting and the characters are well built. Also you feel that is very authentic and is passed in the modern days. There is the use of text messages and the places that he stays can be found in any city in the world. Also at the end of every book there is always a cliffhanger. Something to try to keep the readers engaged, that actually works and doesn’t get boring or unnecessary.

There is an Australian Tv show based on the books being aired this year on Australia. One episode for every month. It seems good for what I could see and I hope that they’ll soon release for other countries.

You should really read the books if you like this sort of action, mixed with almost death-experiences and the care for loved ones. If it’s not your style, or you think that you are too old for it, give it try at least. My mom read it and loved it. And for me it was a nice refreshing stop from YA novels and classics.

I don’t have a lot to write, because I don’t want to spoil them for you. Just give it a go, they are fun and a good reading.

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words