Tag Archives: How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother

7 Sep

So I can say that after 7 seasons, my favourite series is still How I Met Your Mother. It’s hilarious and I know that I can and have watched episodes over and over again, without getting bored. 

The characters form a group of 5 friends, that have everything to make you a fan. From the sweet maternal Lily to the “Casanova” Barney, passing by the optimist Marshall, the  ex Canadian pop star turned now tv anchor Robin and the helpless romantic Ted that tries to find love in New York. So honestly if you haven’t seen this yet, just go! Because you are missing on one of the most amazing fun tv shows that are still airing. 😀

*Spoilers Alert*

Ok, so let’s start! First of all, they have had their share of crazy and insane experiments and I couldn’t pick just one as a favourite. I loved all. The fails and finally successful marriage of Lily and Marshall and the moment where they finally know that they are pregnant; every time that Barney used one of his strange yet effective methods to get a girl and his relationship with Robin; and of course the socially and awkward moments with Ted and his recurring way of doing big romantic gestures, like stealing a blue french horn for Robin.

And even though this is a comedy series, it feels authentic, because they put in real life moments, like the death of Marshall’s father, the moment where Ted his left at the altar and the difficulty of Lily to get pregnant and of Robin to get the job of her dreams.

Now going to the romantic stuff. I’m so for “ship” Barney/Robin, so I’m really crossing my fingers for both of them to end up together. I think that Quinn, just makes Barney not be truly himself… and there is a reason why he still hasn’t told her that they used to date. Still the writers say that this is not going to be a smooth wedding. But like they say hope is the last one to die. So I’m for Barney/Robin or Robin/Ted! I mean Robin though that she was pregnant and then she wasn’t, but made her change her perspective of having children, and we can’t deny that Barney is still in love with her… and now they have the idea of getting married, we will see…

They also said that they are wrapping some loose ends this season, so I suppose everyone is sharing my tought… the Pineapple 🙂

Whatever happens, I know that this season is going to be awesome like the others. After all, we are talking about freaking HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER!! So I lay all my hopes in their hands and I’m super excited to meet Lily and Marshall’s baby!

Oh, yeah and finaaallyyy meet Ted’s wife. I can’t even wait! The new season starts September 24. Just 3 weeks left!!

Tell me what were your favorite moments and I leave you here with season 8 preview!

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words