Tag Archives: Maria Cookies Cake

Maria Cookies Cake

28 Oct

Hi, world!

Everyone has childhood memories of cakes done at your birthday parties. Mine is Maria Cake. As a child I didn’t care much about sweets, didn’t eat candy and only ate one type of ice cream. As I grow older my taste also grow, but I still kept in my heart this soft and delicious cake.

It’s so simple to make, that you can really enjoy the moment and not worry about time.

You start by making a soft cream, that will be the sweet part, and then you have the maria cookies dipped in coffee (I use decaffeinated) and that is what makes the flavour have so much power and gives it texture. Maybe you can’t see it right now, but it’s an assured hit.

Also I don’t know if you have Maria cookies on your country, I searched it and I found out that there are another ones very similar called Rich Tea. You just need something that hasn’t a lot of flavour so it won’t overpower the coffee.

Just imagine yourself with a slice of it! Delicious!

You can also make whatever shapes that you want for the cake. I leave here with the two ways that I use the most and are the traditional ones. First we have the “4 Columns” and  then the “7 Columns”. I advice that if you are making this for a party to use the 7 shape, because it can serve more people. Meanwhile the 4 shape fits perfect for a small get together at your house or just as a family dessert.


150 gr butter

125 gr sugar

1 egg (egg yolk and egg white separate)

Maria cookies (I used 3 packs)

250 ml of decaffeinated coffee


1. Mix the sugar with the butter and then add the egg yolk.

2. Beat the egg white till it forms soft picks and then add to the previous mix until it forms a cream. If you have melted the butter, put it on the freezer till it gets a little harder, or the heat will make the cookies fall apart. (reason for why the coffee should not be hot)

2.  Dip the maria cookies into the decaffeinated coffee and place them into the plate as a first layer.

3. Spread the cream on the top of the layer and then add the second layer of maria cookies dipped in coffee.

4. Once you have the height that you want, cover the top and the sides with the remaining cream. (If you don’t have enough, you can let the cake as it is or make more cream.)

5. Place the cake into the freezer for 3 hours. Serve!

Hope you enjoyed! If you have any questions use the comment box below. I love this recipe and I hope you do to!

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words