Tag Archives: Twilight


4 Sep

The Twilight Series are for me one of the most popular victims of movie adaptations. They are one example why people are always so afraid when some studio picks a book and wants to convert it to the screen. Not only they can destroy the image that you have already created in your mind (which is normal, because everyone has a different idea of what the characters might look and the places where they live) but they also can distort the whole idea of the movie.

I’m not saying that these books are precious works of art. They are not. But they are also not what they stand nowadays. Screaming girls and boys that go crazy every time that Robert Pattison sneezes or even a stupid love story with a foolish female main character.

I’m not going to write my opinion about the movies, because this is for the books. But unfortunately it seems that today you can’t find one separate from the other. All that I will pronounce it’s that I liked the first movie (special thanks to Catherine Hardwick, that i think made an amazing job with this one), it showed truly how the town should feel like, with all the rain and black sky. Also the music that they added kinda gave it a different feel to it, like the baseball scene and the rest of the movies were a down fall, specially the second one (again this is my opinion and I respect others that say differently)

Going to the books… *spoilers alert*

“Bella Swan’s move to Forks, a small, perpetually rainy town in Washington, could have been the most boring move she ever made. But once she meets the mysterious and alluring Edward Cullen, Bella’s life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn. Up until now, Edward has managed to keep his vampire identity a secret in the small community he lives in, but now nobody is safe, especially Bella, the person Edward holds most dear.” Amazon.com description of Twilight (book one)

The first one, Twilight introduced the story in a way that we saw Bella, the main character moving to a new town, where she didn’t know anybody (something that everyone that has moved to a different school can relate to) and then seeing her fall in love with this mysterious boy. I know that the way I write, it makes look foolish, but Stephanie Meyers actually makes it work. It’s an easy reading and we get more interested while we start to know Edward’s family (the way they live, etc… which I enjoyed) and more. So I would give this book a 7,5 on a scale to 10.

The second one, New Moon, was my least favourite book of all of them (nothing related to the movie, for I read the book before it was released). It was the book where Edward leaves because he think he’s protecting her (which I think is ridiculous, because it puts both of them in suicide mode) and just gives the book a look of depression. I do understand that trough this way Jacob was able to stand up and became a bigger part not only on the story, but also in a way that made readers have to choose sides (Jacob or Edward). So 5 out of 10.

And with that idea, we go onto the third book, Eclipse. What I liked about this book was the real feeling of battle. Both, werewolves and vampires coming together to fight off Victoria. I would also say that the whole arrangement marriage thing was a good deal, because she would eventually have to become a vampire and convince Edward, in the other hand since this was all happening in a “possible” present it became a little unrealistic, since she was just 18 and I was expecting more dating, turn vampire  and forever happy. (also I must say, for the good of my conscience that the marriage proposal happened just like I said in book 3 and not in 2, like it was shown in the movie. They almost made me jump out of my sit in the cinema, no joke, and scream “This is not like the BOOK!!” Like I already said I do understand minor changes, because they are necessary, but this just didn’t make for me). 7,5 out of 10

Now book 4, is when the wedding happens, and I was very happy with the scene where Bella really sees that she is beautiful even not being yet a vampire. It real makes her have more self-esteem. Now after the honey moon, was when I was really surprised. I have to say, that not for a moment throughout the books, I thought that she would have a child. It was a good and refreshing move from Stephanie, that gave new light to characters that were more kept quiet. And yes, I’m talking about the friendship that starts between Bella and Rosalie. I had already liked when in Eclipse Rose told her her past life story, but now it was more real. My favorite part in this book has to be the moments while and after Bella turns. The way that she now is more strong and likes to play with it, like when she battles with Emmet. Now for the finish, the “almost” fight was ok and in general was a good ending, with the expected and lived happily ever after + Renesmee. 8 ou 10

Like I said, even though is a very simple story, with love triangles and vampires and werewolves throughout the middle, Stephanie Meyer actually worked it ok and I liked it. Actually I read all the books in a surprising time and was very excited when the last one came out. Again for me the movies were what ruined it, even though it made the books more popular. Now if you are looking for an outstanding novel this is not it. It’s fun, it’s good YA, but that’s it. Also I ask do not judge the books with the movies. And if you are looking for something different and better, I do advice you The Host also by Stephanie Meyer, but with light years of distance. It is amazing and written by a Stephanie with more experience and also more mature.

Read, read and read!

Lots of love,

Paradise of Words